Faith, Fellowship, & Fun for Adults 55+
If you would like to help us plan an event, contact Rev. Jessica @ jessica@wildwood-umc.org.
Small Group 55+
Open Book* +| 10:00a | Room 303
Study: Eugene Peterson's "Eat This Book"
Buy here
Facilitated study (ages 55+) led by Rev. Rhett Ansley.
To register, contact mitzi@wildwood-umc.org
Study: Eugene Peterson's "Eat This Book"
Buy here
Facilitated study (ages 55+) led by Rev. Rhett Ansley.
To register, contact mitzi@wildwood-umc.org
Would you like to join the Joy Ministry serve team? We have various ways for you to be a part of the team, whether you are a planner, preparer, or someone who can execute tasks. We have a spot for you to serve.